China Tension: Taiwan does not seek military confrontation, but the president says it will defend its independence

Taiwan, China claimed as its own territory, There are said to be 150 Chinese Air Force aircraft Oct.

Taiwan has been complaining for more than a year about such actions, which it considers to be a “gray zone war” designed to erode and test Taiwan’s armed forces.

“Taiwan is not seeking military action,” Tsai told a security forum in Taipei. “It hopes for peaceful, stable, predictable and mutually beneficial coexistence with its neighbors. But Taiwan will do anything to protect its independence and democratic way of life.”

China says it is acting to protect its security and sovereignty, and accuses United States – Taiwan’s most important international supporter and arms supplier- to recent tensions.

Taiwan said Taiwan will work with other countries in the region to ensure stability.

“Taiwan is fully committed to cooperating with regional troops to prevent armed conflicts in the East China Sea, the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait,” he added.

As the conflict with China worsens, Taiwan is seeking the support of other democracies, and four French senators and former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott will pay a personal visit this week.

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